
Saints row 2 barrio tag locations
Saints row 2 barrio tag locations

saints row 2 barrio tag locations

Several neighborhoods have border changes, or change location entirely.Huntersfield and Fox Drive change district between games.The Mayhem instance is still called "vandalism_trainyard", and there are 2 Civilians with variants named BarrioTrainyardClothingStore and TrainyardHairSalon, referring to the Sloppy Seconds and Do it Up. Train Yard - Southern Cross was originally park of the "Train Yard" district.Sunset - Early name for Sommerset, there is a sign for "Sunset Apartments".Southside Seaport - Early name for Docks & Warehouses).Lesalle - Early name for Rebadeaux, according to a freeway sign.Central Station - A building in Southern Cross is all that remains of the Central train station.Ashland Arena - Early name for Ultor Dome.The Saints Row data files reference several unused hoods, most of which have no mention other than a name, and are likely placeholder names for the final neighborhoods.

saints row 2 barrio tag locations

  • Ocean is defined as a spawning region for boats.
  • Mount Claflin is not defined as a neighborhood, but is a distinct region.
  • Unlike normal Districts, the District name is never given in-game, and each underground neighborhood has a separate spawn category.

    saints row 2 barrio tag locations

    In Saints Row 2, there are 4 neighborhoods in the "Underground" district. The Suburbs Expansion does not have its own spawning category, and has the same vehicles as Suburbs. The physical map which comes with the game names the Suburbs District as "WR Suburb", which is also the internal name for this District. In Saints Row 2, it is the only district which is controlled by 2 enemy gangs.Īppears in Saints Row IV mission, King Me. Within Docks & Warehouses District in Saints Row 2 Stilwater has fifteen Districts in Saints Row and twenty-two in Saints Row 2, divided into various Neighborhoods. This article lists the Districts of Stilwater.

    Saints row 2 barrio tag locations